凡夫即佛, 煩惱即菩提; 離世覓菩提, 恰如求兔角.
是故佛法在世間, 不離世間覺;
若識自本心,當自心中求, 見自本性,
即名丈夫, 天人師, 佛; 若心外求法, 是名外道.
在北美的朋友們, 尤其是溫哥華, 西雅圖的佛友們,
人身難得,佛法難尋, 今生有緣學佛,必須要尋求正法,
或E-Mail: jackieyeh.ca@gmail.com
Meditation is one of the ways to achieve Enlightenment.
The Target of Buddhism is to find out our True-Mind (Enlightenment) firstly, and then follow the way of Budhisattva.
Lama is not Buddist, and we need to kick Lamaism out of Buddhism.